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Where is Your Focus

Where is Your Focus

By Morgan Ashley I took gymnastic classes as a kid for a few years. I was able to learn how to swing on the bars, do flips, and I learned how to walk on a balance beam. When it came to the balance beam, there was a fear factor involved. You are to balance on […]

Why Don’t I Celebrate My Birthday?

Why Don’t I Celebrate My Birthday?

I don’t want to make a big fuss. I have too much going on already. It’s such a busy time for everyone. I am too tired. I just want to relax. It’s not a big deal. You mean you’re not a big deal. BOOM. What’s the real reason some of us don’t celebrate ourselves on […]

Boo’d Up for the Holidays!

Boo’d Up for the Holidays!

The temptation is rising…. Cuffing season is upon us, and the thirst is real…even for the saints! Getting with someone for the sake of being held by a warm fire, to hold hands while walking in the snow, to kiss them under the mistletoe….is not worth it. Don’t do it! You have their number.  They […]



How are you feeling this holiday season?  I am not as merry as expected. No “ho-ho ho-ing” or “jingle bells rocking” over here. I’ve been more like the Grinch and less like Cindy Whoo. Not totally blue, but bluish. The Christmas holiday is a season when most relish spending time with loved ones, but what if […]

Made for Mediocrity

Made for Mediocrity

Have you ever found yourself thinking “is this it? Is this my life?” Have you ever thought that your life is pretty much settled, that you won’t become more than who you are now, and it ain’t, yes ain’t getting any better? Sometimes I have thought “I can’t,” or, “it won’t happen for me” all […]



When I was younger, I would watch my mom and several other women in church “get the Holy Ghost”. To be honest, it used to scare me TO DEATH and I’d be so embarrassed. The loudest of shrieks and moans would fill the sanctuary for what seemed like hours. Ladies sitting next to us used […]

Naked or Nude

Naked or Nude

I’m afraid to be naked! Being naked is quite the task for me. Its hard work, and it takes me a long time to work myself up to being absolutely naked before someone. I’m being honest! You might be surprised at your own timidity of nakedness. Now being nude! I can do that all day, […]

The Mattress and The Matchless

The Mattress and The Matchless

“Every nerve and vertebrae in my neck and spine screamed at me 24 hours out of the day every day of the week. Bayer Back and Body failed me, going to the chiropractor made it worse, and acupuncture helped, but only temporarily. I just knew this pain was going to take me OUT. I was […]

The Desire to be Desired

The Desire to be Desired

I know I’m not the only one out here who would like to be in a healthy, happy, and fulfilling romantic relationship. I’d prefer someone who is fine, fit, strong, and sexy! Aesthetics aside…. You and I just want someone to sweep us off our feet. They make you feel like a woman, or feel […]