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Where is Your Focus

Where is Your Focus

By Morgan Ashley

I took gymnastic classes as a kid for a few years. I was able to learn how to swing on the bars, do flips, and I learned how to walk on a balance beam. When it came to the balance beam, there was a fear factor involved. You are to balance on a high beam with no support. But, they gave me a tip: To walk straight, you have to look at the end of the beam. If you pay attention to the end of the beam, it is easier for you to keep your balance, walk straight, and not get distracted. If you look either to the right or to the left, it is inevitable for you to veer off to whichever side you are looking to and fall.

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When we are walking in our purpose  we are to walk with an eternal hope and end in mind. We are walking with Christ to where He needs us to go for His glory. Still…..there is a fear factor. As finite human beings, we fear  because we do not know where we are going, what challenges are going to come our way, and we  question whether we are going to make it where God promised.

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In Matthew 14: 22-33, we are shown a perfect example of what happens when we question God. The scripture tells us of Peter and Jesus walking on water for a moment, but then things change. Like Peter, when we let fear take over we start to sink. In our case, it may be from old vices we had before we gave our life to Christ or even from our own emotions and Satan’s lies we have believed. When we take our focus off the Savior we will begin to sink.

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BUT….we have our Source! We have  Someone to continue to look to, who helps us keep focus, maintain our balance, and not get distracted.

I challenge you reading this to focus on God and his promises to you. God doesn’t just start something and not finish.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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