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Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.- Exodus 14:21-22
The Red Sea’s parting is one of the miraculous works of wonder that the Lord performed which is so often mentioned both in the Old and New testaments. An instance of God’s almighty power in dividing the sea, and opening a passage through the waters.
Just as amazing, as when the Lord parted the Red Sea, is the truth that he is still performing miracles today. HE hasn’t changed and is still parting the Red Seas of life. The Lord is healing the sick, mending broken hearts, providing resources, protecting and keeping us safe, fighting our battles, and preparing us for HIS son Jesus Christ’s return.
One key component of the miraculous parting of the Red Sea was Moses’s obedience. The Lord gave him specific instructions and Moses obediently followed them by stretching his hand over the sea.
The Lord still requires our obedience today. HE is calling us to study and meditate on HIS word and to go out and create disciples. Teaching not only how obedience leads to his blessings and miracles, but more importantly how it leads to everlasting life.
Red Sea Preparatory Academy believes that the Lord’s word does not change, however, we realize that in a constantly changing world we must provide teaching on how to make it applicable to today’s world.
By enrolling in Red Sea Preparatory Academy you become the tool of needed change that unites the truth of the Lord’s word with an ever changing world giving young adults the power and authority to be light in the midst of darkness.

In fulfilling our mission we,
• Provide a cutting-edge method to ministry
• Teach young adults how to apply God’s word to real life experiences in a real world
• Give young adults the spiritual tools needed to wage war on carnal challenges and demonic forces
• Promote confidence and boldness when using power and authority through Jesus Christ
• Expose young adults to their spiritual gifts
• Increase mission and civic engagement through volunteering, missionary work and trips, and social outings.
The vision of Red Sea Prep Academy is global dissemination of the Word of God by disciples of Jesus Christ who are equipped with the truth.
The mission of Red Sea Preparatory Academy (Red Sea Prep) is to unite the truth of God’s word with real-life experiences that can be applied while living in a rapidly changing world.